Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tips on anything part 1

SWEAT! ‘Tips on anything’? I think quite long about it. I still can’t think a specific topic. Well, lets talk about food. Yes, I got it! I would like to teach you all for how to cook a healthy maggi mee in home. I know this is so random. But sometime, my time of the journey to dreamland was just too long. So, they wouldn’t keep some food on the table for me. If I lazy to drive out to settle my dinner or my mum fall asleep and I not dare to take money from my dad, ‘maggi mee’ is recommend. Espeacially curry! Oh my god! I just can’t endure the tempting of it!

Normally, how will you people cook a ‘maggi’? Do you know that there is plenty way to cook a ‘maggi’? Wow, may be some of you will be excited. Cook ‘maggi’ such a easy thing also got knowledge? I can tell you for 100% sure, YES! If you are get ready to enjoy ‘maggi’, but not full in your blank of your stomach by ‘maggi’.  For those, who ever eat ‘maggi’ before or never cook ‘maggi’ before, try to check it out even once. It is fun. I never lie to you people seriously. Try to take a 3 minute break, away from your business, away from your facebook, away from your video game or internet game, and involve yourself motives to  cook the ‘maggi’ . I swear, you will feel that it did not live in vein for decade. You sure excite that you never ever try such best ‘maggi’ before. Once you intensive yourself to cook ‘maggi’, I will sure that next time you wouldn’t pass this mission to your maid or your mum already. You will every time cook it yourself.

This is the way for those lazy people but they willing to eat healthy, this is it =) Do you know how to cool the best tasting ‘maggi’ on earth? Not only is it the best tasting noodles on earth it is also the fastest and healthy to cook. How great is that! It cooks in 3 minutes and it tastes heavenly. This step by step guide will teach you how to make this unbelievable noodle. This is a priceless guide!! And it is belong to choong seng’s copyright. Any copy and paste to other website or have a chance to infringe privacy will be against the law © << Remember this!

1) Boil a pot full of water.
2) Tear opens the packet of noodles.
3) Pour the sauce on a plate.
4) When the water has boiled put the dry noodles in.
5) Wait 3 minutes and drain the noodles.
6) Put the cooked noodles into the plate of sauce.
7) Stir and ENJOY!

This is another way which I prefer it. First, you need to prepare Egg Bhuriji.
1.    Beat the eggs, salt and pepper (if you like) – I usually do it in a steel glass, just like your neighborhood’s dog. (I hate it.)
2.    In the frying pan, add some oil and let it heat
3.    Pour the mixture from step 1 on the pan
4.    Make egg bhurji i.e. use a spoon to mix the egg mixture so that it mashes well

                                           This is the best part for the step =) I love the sound !
                                                          Completed !! YES =)           

·         Then, boil the water and put in the dry noodle. Cook it for 3 minute
·         Discard the soup
·         Boil the water and put in the noodle
·         3 minute later put in the egg bhuriji and mixes well.

Now you shall taste the power of MAGGI NOODLES the noodles of the century and the noodles that changed my life and hopefully will change yours!! Things to remember: Let the water boil before you put the noodles in. (Boiled water is always bubbling). A ‘Maggi Mee’ is the mee for me because it has a lot of nice power!!

                                  Saw that a? OMG. I am no longer endure. I go eat first. See you all in the next post 


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