Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The colour of Malaysia part 1

Malaysia is where I was born and breed. Malaysia is a beautiful place and it has become one of the famous tourist destinations for foreigners. Malaysia is also a multi race country and one of the attractive factors that lead to an increase of number of tourist over the years is the wide varieties of food in Malaysia. Once upon a time, somebody will never know where the location of Malaysia is, or may be they will ask what the hell ‘Malaysia’ is! Oh my god! It is a shame for our Malaysian! Fortunately, we have a genius leader. He let the world know, what is Malaysia, where is Malaysia, he make Malaysia famous than before. He was our respective pre-prime minister, Dato Doctor Mahathir.

As I have said before, the colour of Malaysia is the food! Oh my God, where else can you find nasi lemak, roti canai in other country? It accompanies us since we are young until we die in future (for those who decide live his whole life in Malaysia, I think. =) Every state in Malaysia also has its own signature foods. Every food represents it own culture. For instant, Klang which is located in Selangor is popular for ‘bah kut teh’ which is pork serve with herbal soup. ‘Bah kut teh’ is usually eaten with rice or noodles (sometimes as a noodle soup), and often served with ‘youtiao’ (strips of fried dough) for dipping into the soup. Soy sauce (usually light soy sauce, but dark soy sauce is also offered sometimes) is preferred as a condiment, with which chopped chili padi and minced garlic is taken together.
The image of nasi lemak =) *yummy*

OMG saw that?  Feel hungry ?

Besides food, Malaysia is also well known for its historical monument. Malaysia has a long history and it has leave behind many monuments that remind Malaysian how far we have come. There is a chinese saying’ similarity makes us strong but our difference makes us stronger’. Since then it has become a prinsip that we share to make our country stronger. Historical monuments plays an important role as it remind Malaysians the importance of unity for a coutnry especially for country like malaysia that consist of multi race.

One of the popular states for historical monument is Malacca. For instant, A’ Famosa which is a fortress built by Portuguese in 1511. The fortress once consisted of long ramparts and four major towers. One was a four-story keep, while the others held an ammunition storage room, the residence of the captain, and an officer’s quarters. Most of the village clustered in town houses inside the fortress walls. As Malacca's population expanded it outgrew the original fort and extensions were added around 1586. The fort changed hands in 1641 when the Dutch successfully drove the Portuguese out of Malacca. The Dutch renovated the gate in 1670, which explains the logo "ANNO 1670" inscribed on the gate's arch. Above the arch is a bas-relief logo of the Dutch East India Company.

                                        A' famosa in malacca ;D


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